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Holiday Memorial Service and Tree Lighting

The holiday season presents a unique opportunity to honor a friend or memorialize a departed loved one with a symbolic light glowing brightly on our Holiday Memorial Tree.

Your tax-deductible gift will not only place a ceremonial light on the tree but will help fund our services for terminally ill patients and compassionate support for their families.

For each gift, acknowledgments will be sent to you and the family of the person(s) being remembered.

Please join us for our 39th annual Holiday Memorial Service and Tree Lighting Sunday, November 24, 2024, at 5 p.m. at the Baker Street Train Station, 221 W. Baker St., in downtown Fort Wayne. Attendees will receive a commemorative gift to take home to remember this event. Please note that space and gifts are limited.

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors

Please reserve your memorial light. Please note that purchases after November 1 will not be able to be recognized in the printed program for the event.

  • $35 for one light on the Memorial Tree
  • $60 for two lights on the Memorial Tree
  • $100 for one light on the Memorial Tree and the engraving of the person’s name in the Memorial Tree Book
  • $1,000 for a Perpetuity Gift (Your loved one will be remembered every year with a light and the engraving of his or her name in the Memorial Tree Book.)
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In Honor Of:

  • Sydney T. Almond
  • Roy Bandor
  • Thomas Dikeolakos
  • Janet Green
  • George and Mary Harker
  • Brian H. Joest
  • Patti Johnson
  • Penny Kleinhenz
  • Irene McKinley
  • Margaret Peppler
  • James and Rose Ryan
  • Ronita Ann (Lauer) Shepherd
  • James Sternberger

In Memory Of:

Tareq Abdel-Khaleq
William H. Aichele
Marie Allen
Gordon H. Anspach
Dale Armbruster
Ron Bailey
Bob and Betty Baker
Dave Baker
Charlene Balyeat
Roy Bandor
Ralph E. Banter
Patricia A. Barney
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baron
Chet Bartol
Logan K. Bauer
James L. Baughman
Keith Baumgartner
John Baute
David Beal
John M. Behrendt
Richard (Rick) Bell
Al Bishir
Nancy Blakley
Ron Blakley
Miriam M. “Mimi” Blanks
Allan E. Bloom
Lee Bosler
Robert Bradfield
D.J. Brandenberger
Elsie V. Brandenberger
Herbert M. Branning
Joyce A. Branning
Mike Branning
Charles Breiner
Florence Breiner
Scott Breiner
Marcia A. Brewster
Kenneth Brock
Susan Brock
Beverly Jean Bromelmeier
Carol Brooks
Big Ann Brown
Jack Brunson
Lorri Brunson
Raymond Bultemeyer
Donald O. Bumgardner
Dorothy E. Bumgardner
Jean Anne Burch
Millie Burgess
Cristopher Burke
Frank and Ann Burke
Gary Burke
Michael Burke
Gertrude Burkhart
Patricia Burtnette
Ronald Busch
Barbara Parks Butler
Imogene Canan
Margo and Shuckry Canavati
Charles Cardwell
Roger Cardwell
Ken and Frieda Castor
Curtis Chandler
Vernice Chandler
Karen Chaney
Irene Chard
Lee Chard
Mary Lou Chard
Robert Chard
Angela Chasey
Billy H. Chittum
Billy Chittum
Jane L. Christman
Kathleen Clem
Earl Clester
Pearl Combs
Dennis Allen Coplen
Chuck Cottrell
Nellie Courtney
Audrey E. Craig
Patricia Eileen Creighton
Margaret R. Crosby
Jean Crowl
Robert Crowl
Deloris Culbertson
Virgil Culbertson
Afrodhiti Danusis
Warren C. “Dick” Darnell
David Dawkins
Jane Dawkins
Phillip Lee Dean
Hugo DeBolt
Gerald deMatas
Timothy Joseph Denihan
Edward P. and Evelyn M. Derheimer
Marilou Derheimer
Ross Derheimer
Edison E. DeWitt
Roz Didier
Hank DiNunzio, Jr.
Edward and Betty Dobler
Carol Doehring
Wayne Doehrman
Diana Dominique Douglas
Ann Dreyer
Ann Dreyer
Koreen Drum
Edward Duehmig
Patricia Ehle
Ross Ehle
Joan K. Eichler
Jeremy C. Elder
Larry Embree
John W. “Jack” Erwin
James Ross Evans
David Elliot Fairweather
Evelyn Fawley
Philip Fawley
Jeff Fike
Elmer Fink
Carolyn K. Firestine
John (Jack) Flaig
Dorothy Folk
Lowell Folk
Jan Ford
Helen and Lloyd Frantz
Al Frauenfelder, Leona Frauenfelder Donald Wyss, and Phyllis Wyss
John D. Frederick
Virginia Ann Frederick
Rose Mary Freeman
Thomas Freeman
 Della Fuelling
Charlene A. Fuhrman
James A. Fuhrman

John R. Gastineau
Edna B. Geist
Steven J. Geist
Don Gerig
Trudy Gevers
Jenny L. Gillie
Don O. Gochenaur
Ruth Goin
Ruth N. Gongaware
Stanley G. Gongaware
Barbara C. Goodnough
Caroline Gordon
Brian Gosney
Carl Graber
Sarah Gray
Rita Grieze
Gene Grillo
James Grossman
Virginia Grossman
Joann Groth
Harriet Habegger
Merlin W. Habegger
Merlin Habegger
Walt Hackett
Roy Hahn
Joe Hardenbrook
Joe Hardenbrook
Terry Hardison
Bonnie Harris
Elizabeth Elaine Harshman
Toby Hatch
Robert Hayden
Linda Hazen
Linda Hazen
Earl M. Hedges
Ivy L. Hedges
Maria T. Henry
Raymond W. Henry
Carole Hensel
Mary F. Herber
Virginia Hergel
Bonnie Herman
Larry Wayne Hill
Muriel Hinton
Richard H. Hinton
Helen J. Hoke
Homer E. Hoke
LeeAnna Hoover
Luella Hubert
George and Pauline Hughes
Francis E. Huston
Harry Lee Hyde
Harriet Jackson
Janelle Jackson
Ronald Jackson
Gary Jacob
Kandace K. Jacobs
Kandace K. Jacobs
Thomas F. Jesse
Mary K. Johnson
Nealie Marie Johnson
Dick L. Juillerat
Patricia Keeran
Lee Keeterle
Margaret Keller
Joyce Kerns
Phyllis Kerr
Hugh Kessler
LaMar Kilmer
Michael H. Kinder, Jr.
Terry Klinger
Mary Klug, James Klug, and Robert Mead
M. Lee Knepper
Shirley  Knight
Richard  Knotts
Rita O. Knowles
John J. Kortenber
Mary Catherine Kortenber
Henry Kranich
Leah Louise Krish
Tina Trahin Krocker
Lee Kuhns
Patricia Kula
Bernard N. L’Hommedieu
Joanna Lacey
Lanny Land
Darryl Lane
Bob Lau
Kenneth Lawrence Lauer
Stephen H. Leacock
Dennis D. Leinbach
Annette Levy
Brenda Ellen Lewandowski
Katherine Liby
William Liby
Anthony L. Lillo
Marie Liner
Robert Liner
Max Allen Litke
Brenda Mann
Herbert and Kathryn Mann
Troy Mann
Jerry Marquardt
Eli R. Martin
Jean Martin
Mildred K. Martin
Sharon L. Martin
Grace and Mike Mastrangelo
Ruth Ann Maxson
Wray McCalester
SFC (Ret. Dec.) Marion L. McCarty
Mick McCollum
Harold and Aileen McComb
Judy McKinley
Ed Melton
Helma Melton
Duane Mespell
Robert A. Meyer
Raymond and Odelle Michalak
Tony Milewski
Thomas Miller
Teresa Mitchell
Christopher Todd Mitoraj
Donna Heath Mock
Elizabeth Moldt
Edward Moore
Nancy Moore
Walter and Joan Moring
Clyde Moser
Eva Motz
Leslie Paul Motz
Eugene Mount
Jack Mullett
Allen Myers
Rick Myers
Michelle Neal
Stephen Neuhaus
Edith Nevers
Jack Newhouse
Willard (Nick) and Millie Nicol
Judy Niezer
Rosemary Niezer
Dr. Duane Nodine
Robert P. Norton
Evelyn Notestine
John Notestine
Dr. Donald S. Novotny
Mary Louise Nowak
Ted J. Nowak
Marge Osterholt
Dan Paris
Dan Paris
Alva E. Parkins
Robert C. Pease, Jr.
Alberta Peggins
Mondie Peggins, Jr.
Peggy Peppler
Frances Perez
Luz (Sonny) Perez, Jr.
Jim Pettibone
Mable Pettibone
Mary Catherine (Trevey) Piatt
James Pitman
Valarie Plunkett
Betty Pomeroy
David Pomeroy
Bob Prado
Patricia A. Presnell
Rita Price
Carol Puls
George E. Quinn
Greta L.Quinn
Audrey D. Relue
Donald F. Relue
Molly Rennaker
Mary Lou Rethlake
Cheryl Rethlake
Logan Terry Riehle
Don Rietdorf
Duane Russell Riley
Frederick E. Roberts
Kay Roberts
Jerry Robinett
Penny Rodriguez
Mary Rollins
Richard Rondot
Betty Rose
Bruce A. Roth
Kent J. Roudebush
Eddie D. Runion
William E. Runion
Fritz Ruoff

Evelyn Salisbury, beloved mother
Delbert Sanders
Edward L. Sandman, Sr.
Harold E. Schinbeckler
James E. Schmitt
Greta and Roger Schnepf
Lawrence and Betty Schooley
Jeanne Schouweiler
Nancy J. Schuch
Samuel J. Schuch III
Evelyn M. Schultz
Evelyn M. Schultz
Albert Schumm
Mary Schumm
Owen Scofield
Ted Scofield
Sharon Scoles
Harry Scott
Susie Seidel
Margaret A. “Bay” Seifert
R. Paul and Bay Seifert
Wally Seward
Gayle Schaffer
Norma E. Shaffer, RN
Marilyn Shankster
Ronita Ann Shepherd
Charles Shuman
Wilma Shuman
Betty Shuster
Elizabeth Shuster
Gladys H. Simmmons
John P. Simmons
Rosie Simon
William T. Sindelar
Bob Slocum
Beverly K. Slone
Ellsworth E. Smith
Glen Smith
Jeremy E. Smith
Jody Hemphill Smith
Nancy Smith
Thomas Smith
Jim Snider
John and Flora Snyder
Lucille Snyder
Dennis Sower
Hattie M. Springer
Helen Springer
Helen Springer
Jackie Springer
Jacqueline Springer
Ralph M. Springer
Orel, Ellen, and Steve Sprunger
Randall Sroufe
Dr. Tom Stafford
Dr. Tom Stafford
Marilyn L. Stein
Paul Steiner
Jim Sternberger
Alice I. Stevens
Alice Stevens
Patricia J. Stevens
Cheryl Steward
Michael E. Stoffel
John and Dorothy Stolte
Ruth Stoner
Thomas Stoner
Mark Suedhoff
Ruth Ann Swint
Bernard E. Tew
Lorraine L. Tew
Pauline M. Thimlar
David D. Thompson
Darrell and Gladys Thompson, Sr,
Nancy J. Tiger
John Tite
T.J. Tomei
Jennifer Tritch
Linda Tsiguloff
Lionel Ussery
Robert L. Vachon, Jr.
Dorothy Jean Vevia
Anthony Vince
Bill Voors
Annette Walters-Bowman
Wendy O’Bryan Ward
Vivian Watts
Gilbert Wendt
Betty J. Werling
Christine Werling
Nick Werling
William L. Werling
Donna Whitacre
Marcia Widdifield
Mildred and Joseph Wieners
Sharon Anne Wiggins
Tamara Leigh Wiley
James and Debbie Williams
Stanley A. Williams
Stephen M. Williams
Marjorie L. Wine
Samuel D. Wine
Clair Winesburg
Gerald (Jerry) Winters
Marissa Working
Dr. Daryl Yost
Jane Zachman
Madgelene Zeider
Ralph Zeider
Dorothy Zieg
Arden and Georgia Zobrosky
Bev Zollinger
Beverly Zollinger
Erwin Zollinger
Evelyn L. Zuber